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CNC machining is a high level automated and digital manufacturing technology. Due to the automated nature of the manufacturing, CNC is very price-competitive for one of a kind custom parts as well as high volume mass productions.
CNC works with a CAD file that maintains the structure of the product as well as preserves the excellent physical properties while producing high-accuracy parts and products.
You can use CNC Machining for almost every kind of material. The most common examples include plastics and metals, but also glass, wood and foam can you machined using CNC machining.
CNC consists of three easy steps. The first step is designing the CAD model. In the CAD model every little detail is entered to ensure a quality final product. Then the CNC machinist turns te CAD file into a program suitable for CNC machining (G-code) and makes sure the machine is ready for the manufacturing process. After that the CNC machine will execute the entire operation with little to none supervision while creating the part or the products.
Common examples for 3-axis CNC machines are CNC milling and CNC turning machines. These are the default machines that allow movement of the cutting tool in three linear axes. The movements can be executed left to right, back and forth and up and down.
During CNC milling the piece is held steady directly on the machine or in a vice.
The milling removes material from the piece by using drills or cutting tools that are rotating at extremely high speed.
The three axis machine makes it possible for the cutting tool to move along three mentioned axis directions (up-down, back-forth, left-right)
3-axis CNC milling machines are extremely common, as they can be used to produce most common geometries. They are relatively easy to program and operate, so start-up machining costs are relatively low.
The biggest restriction in CNC milling is tool access. With only three axes to work with, specific areas of the product or piece might be impossible to reach. If this issue can be solved by rotation the piece just once, the issue might be overlooked. When multiple rotations are required the labor and machining costs increase fast.
CNC lathes are used in many occassions, because they can produce pieces at a much higher speed and rate and therefor a lower cost per unit than CNC mills. This is especially relevant for larger volumes.
The most significant design restriction of CNC lathes is that CNC lathes can only produce parts with a cylindrical profile. To overcome this limitation, features of the part are often CNC milled in a separate machining step. Alternatively, 5-axis mill-turning CNC centers can be used to produce the same geometry in one step. While 5-axes CNC machines are more expensive to use they can save you money in the long run, since 5-axes adjustments might just be what your product or workpiece needs.
The 5-axis CNC machining options come in three separate variations: 5-axis indexed CNC milling, continuous 5-axis CNC milling and mill-turning centers with live tooling.
These systems are essentially milling machines or lathes enhanced with additional degrees of freedom. For example, 5-axis CNC milling centers allow the rotation of the machine bed or the toolhead (or both) in addition to the three linear axes of movement.
The extra two axes create numerous extra options for your designing needs. The advanced capabilities of these machines come at an increased cost. They require both specialized machinery and also operators with professional knowledge on 5-axis CNC machining.
Curious what CNC machining can do for your business, your manufacturing process or the reducement in costs? You can compare various quotes by uploading your design through the online CNC functionality or you can compare various quotes from different suitable metal processing factories.
Through this selection you are guaranteed that you will decrease your costs, increase your production speed and optimize your benefits, while staying in full control of the entire production process.
Want to know more? Receive 3 quotes without any obligations within a short timeframe. You will thank us later. And you are welcome.
We kunnen voor bijna alle materialen bewerkingen aanbieden.
Bijvoorbeeld: aluminium, koper, staal, zacht en hard hout, printplaten, foam, diverse kunststoffen en composieten, plexiglas, MDF, glasvezel, koolstofvezel, leisteen, marmer en graniet. Het hangt natuurlijk erg af van uw ontwerp en het vakkundige CNC bedrijf die bij jou past.
Bijna alles is mogelijk. Omdat we met vele professionals op het gebied van CNC werken zijn de mogelijkheden eindeloos. We kunnen daarom echt meedenken om de perfecte partner voor jouw ontwerp tot uitvoering te laten komen. Je kunt hier ook meer in detail lezen aan welke bewerkingen je kunt denken.
Snel! Vul alle benodigde gegevens die je relevant vindt in. Wij matchen je gelijk aan minimaal 3 professionals op het gebied van CNC en in jouw regio. Zo garanderen we namelijk de beste prijs/kwaliteit voor jouw ontwerp(en). We snappen dat je eerst een snelle vergelijking wil doen om zo in contact te komen met de partij die het beste bij jouw organisatie past, dus vraag snel de eerste offertes aan!
Elke industrie waar metalen of ander reeds genoemde (zie vraag over materialen) soorten. Denk bijvoorbeeld aan voertuigen, spoorwegen, luchtvaart maar ook aan bijvoorbeeld defensie. Feitelijk maar de soort industrie niet zoveel uit, wij werken met een breed netwerk aan professionals voor CNC dus wij kunnen voor elke industrie maatwerk leveren.
Graag zelfs! Juist omdat we met zoveel professionals samenwerken kunnen we uitermate precies de CNC professional voor jou zoeken die past bij het project of ontwikkelplan.
cncnederland.nl opereert volledig onafhankelijk van alle CNC bedrijven in Nederland en internationaal. Wij zien welke CNC bedrijven beschikbaar zijn en goed zijn in het uitvoeren van jouw opdracht. Wij maken een koppeling tussen jou en drie CNC bedrijven waardoor er een win-win situatie ontstaat. Deze onderlinge concurrentie van CNC bedrijven uit jouw regio die jouw opdracht graag willen hebben, zorgt er namelijk voor dat de prijs een stuk beter wordt voor jou!